
Apply To Phoebestar Royalty School

Detail About How To Apply

Details Below

The Application Process


Purchase Admission Form

You are first expected to Purchase  the Admission Form at a token of N10,000.


FIll The Form

You are expected to fill the form and submit to the School, physically or via Email.


Show Up

Admission is by passing the Entrance Examination. You are expected to appear Physically or Online for the entrance exam and Assessment.


Complete Registration Process

You are expected to Complete Registration Process and pay necessary fees


Submit Necessary Documents

The Documents to be submitted are :
1. Birth Certificate
2. Result / Report from last School Attended

When To Apply?

  Application Deadline
BATCH 1 May 15
BATCH 2 August 10
BATCH 3 December 20

Where to submit necessary documents?

Documents not submitted through the online method can be mailed to:

School Avenue, Rinsayo Area,
Off Ring Road, Osogbo,
Osun State, Nigeria.